(NOTE: The district is still in the process of setting this up, so please wait until later next week to complete this part.)
Online Fee Payment Directions: – All fees should be paid online by clicking the link here: Payment link. SCHOOL CASH ONLINE (SCO) is the District’s NEW online payment system and replaces our former Online School Payment (OSP) system.
How do I set-up my new account for School Cash Online?
- Click on this Payment link or bookmark
- Click Register and create your Profile.
- Confirm/complete registration, then Sign-In.
- Follow directions to attach your student to your account.
- Once you have confirmed your relationship to the student, you will see three choices: Add another student, View Items, View My Students
- Choose VIEW ITEMS, once all students are added.
- Under View Items you will see a tab for each of the students you attached, and a tab for Hamilton County Schools.
- Once Hamilton County populates student schedules, you should see the fees due under each student’s individual tab. You should also get an email reminder at the email you registered.
- Some fees that fall outside of the student’s schedule may be found under the Hamilton County Schools tab. Parking fee would be an example of a fee not attached to the student’s schedule.
How do I add a fee to my cart?
- Click on the fee and you will see Fee Details
- Important: Make sure the STUDENT’S NAME for whom you are paying is ADDED
- Click Add to Cart
Why do fees not show under my students’ tabs?
- Once PowerSchool schedules are populated into School Cash Online, fees will show under your student’s tab and you will be notified of fees attached to your student(s) by the email you registered in School Cash Online. We anticipate this will happen the last week in July.
Can more than one account be registered with my student(s) attached?
- Yes, family members who wish to assist with fee payment may register their own accounts, specify their relationship to the student(s), and attach the students to their own account.